ADDRESS(Click para ver en Google Maps) |
LA MERCED IKASTETXEA | Luis Iruarrizaga, z. g. | |
BILBOROCK | Muelle de la Merced, 3 | |
LA FUNDICIÓN | Francisco Macià, 1-3 | |
PABELLÓN 6 | Deustuibarra, 47 | |
BILBOARTE | Urazurrutia,32 | |
EHU-BIZKAIA ARETOA | Abandoibarra etorbidea, 3 | |
ANTIGUO CEMENTERIO DE MALLONA | A 311 escalones y 46 descansillos, partiendo de la Plaza de Unamuno en el Casco Viejo |
ZAWP GARABIA | Deustuibarra erribera, 47 | |
TEATRO CAMPOS | Bertendona, 3 | |
MUSEO GUGGENHEIM | Abandoibarra etorbidea, 2 | |
FNAC BILBO | Alameda de Urquijo, 4 | |
This year, the Cafe/Bar Nervion will hold the BAD meeting place, where we can meet after shows and drink some wines, “pintxos”, bocattas, salads, creating an informal sharing space. As you may know, the Nerbion is really near from some of the most important venues of the Festival, like La Merced School, Bilborock… This is an open invitation to all the publics and creators who participate in BAD. From October 26th to november 4th, presenting your ticket or Credibad, you will enjoy discounts on everything you drink. |