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La Merced Ikastetxea

Direction: Asier Zabaleta

Performers: Pilar Andrés, Andrea Quintana, Manuel Rodríguez, Noemí Viana, Asier Zabaleta

Direction assistant: Arantza Balentziaga

Scenic design: Asier Zabaleta,  Bigara (Itziar García, Jon Ander García)

Scenic directior: Pello Artola

Costume design: Asier Zabaleta, Arantza Balentziaga, Silvia Baltasar

Lighting design: Antoni Angel Alcaide

Choreography: Asier Zabaleta  (with the collaboaration of the performers)

Original music: Borja Ramos

Video: Asier Zabaleta,  Iker Urteaga

Production: Ertza

Distribution: Arantza Balentziaga - [email protected]

Technical direction: Antoni Angel Alcaide

This ZOO gives us the opportunity of observing a group of human beings being exposed in a confined space. We will be able to see them how they manage in their new habitat and we will be witnesses of their new habits and behaviours. We will analyze them as if they were part of an experiment in which, from our protected situation, we will be voyeurs of their daily life. We will have the privilege of seeing the wildest reactions of these "animals". Seeing without being seen. But this privilege has a price... to identify oneself with their actions.

Ayuntamiento de bilbao BilbaoEszena
DiputaciĆ³n foral de Bizkaia Eusko Jaurlatitza Ministerio de cultura
BBK Metro Bilbao El Correo Melia Bilbao Rekalde UPV
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